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Bug#471083: apt.conf(5) referes to dpkg(8) instead of dpkg(1)

Given the documentation available, does it seem a border case?
The main functions of dpkg are meant for root. But there are those
available to regular users.
Is there a definitive Debian guide about this? I was unable to find man
page sections at Policy.
If a program is installed at /usr/bin should its man pages be at section
1 regarding of its actions and permissions?
Should only programs executed *exclusively* by root be listed at section
8? [1]
But there are other apt related tools listed at section 8 and with
commands available to regular users.
What is the consistent rule for Debian distro?
Andre Felipe Machado

[0] http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-dother.en.html
[1] http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Man-Page/q2.html

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