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Bug#439024: apt-get: annoying 1000Hz polling (--> powertop)

OK, in apt-pkg/deb/dpkgpm.cc, I've now tried changing the usleep(1000)
into a usleep(50000) and copying the resulting
libapt-pkg-libc6.6-6.so.4.4.0 into place.
This removed the timer noise, however installation performance didn't improve
much, AFAICS.

I'd thus think that this value should be changed to something like 10000
or so, or possibly the whole main loop be improved to not need such things
any more.

Also, it is known to be very advisable to do ++var instead of var++ in
iterator-type loops, since this avoids an unnecessary check in asm code
(--> smaller binary size).
E.g. in the
   for (vector<Item>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++)
line and others.

Oh, and somebody said that using endl is not necessarily a good idea
since it always flushes the buffer, too (so maybe use something like a
my_endl constant defined as "\n" or so).


Andreas Mohr

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