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Not sure about the logic in apt-cache's DisplayRecord


[please Cc replies to me as I'm not subscribed to the list]

in apt-cache.cc, function DisplayRecord, at the beginning there's code
that selects a pkgCache::VerFileIterator to use to get the information:

   // Find an appropriate file
   pkgCache::VerFileIterator Vf = V.FileList();
   for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++)
      if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) == 0)
   if (Vf.end() == true)
      Vf = V.FileList();

Therefore I'd expect the information to be read from Vf, and in fact the
code proceeds to open the file pointed by it:

   // Check and load the package list file
   pkgCache::PkgFileIterator I = Vf.File();
   if (I.IsOk() == false)
      return _error->Error(_("Package file %s is out of sync."),I.FileName());
   FileFd PkgF(I.FileName(),FileFd::ReadOnly);
   if (_error->PendingError() == true)
      return false;

Now I'd expect the code to read information from PkgF using the offset
and size information found in Vf.  However this does not happen, and
V.FileList() is used instead:

   // Read the record and then write it out again.
   unsigned char *Buffer = new unsigned char[GCache->HeaderP->MaxVerFileSize+1];
   Buffer[V.FileList()->Size] = '\n';
   if (PkgF.Seek(V.FileList()->Offset) == false ||
       PkgF.Read(Buffer,V.FileList()->Size) == false ||
       fwrite(Buffer,1,V.FileList()->Size+1,stdout) < (size_t)(V.FileList()->Size+1))
      delete [] Buffer;
      return false;

Instinct would suggest a s/V.FileList()/Vf/g in this last bit: doesn't
it fail if Vf was selected not to be the first iterator from
V.FileList() ?  Or is there something I am missing?



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