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Creating a path through build-dependencies - help!

I'm writing a tool for Emdebian that can describe a sequence of
cross-building that ensures the availability of all Build-Depends
packages before each package is cross-built. i.e. a path from the
base_set A to Package B, detailing which packages need to be built at
which step but also adapting to changes in the dependencies that result
from the actual cross-build.

I thought about using Perl (like the other emdebian-tools scripts) but
I'm currently using C/C++ because I can copy code directly from the apt
source code. It's C and C++ because I prefer to use glib2.0.

Starting with just a cross-compiling toolchain based around gcc-4.1, I
need to be able to query a single package name and find out whether that
package can be cross-built with only the currently available package
set. If not, I identify which packages need to be built first and check
each of those against the 'base set'. I aim to get a report that
basically says: To build foo, you need to build first bar then baz,
then foo.

Some packages are ignored because they are needed on the cross-building
machine but not on the target machine. (In GNU-terminology, the
packages that are only required on the HOST are not going to be
available on the BUILD). Also, Emdebian is seeking to remove Perl from
essential to make the rootfs as small as possible as well as removing
tcl, python, replacing bash with dash etc., so certain dependency
changes are inevitable.

Sample output for sqlite:
$ ./src/empath -p sqlite
Updating cache . . .
Reading cache file . . .
Updating cache . . .
Reading dependencies..........
Package 'gpm' can be cross-built from the current base set.
Package 'sqlite' needs readline5 cross-built first, at level 1
Package 'sqlite' needs tcl8.4 cross-built first, at level 0
Package 'tcl8.4' can be cross-built from the current base set.
Package 'ncurses' needs gpm cross-built first, at level 0
Package 'readline5' needs ncurses cross-built first, at level 0
Package 'ncurses' can be cross-built from the current base set.

So the path would be, gpm, then ncurses, then readline5, then sqlite
(patching sqlite to omit tcl).

The next stage is that when gpm and ncurses are uploaded to
Emdebian, the program incorporates those into the base_set and filters
the output:
Package 'readline5' can be cross-built from the current base set.
Package 'sqlite' can be cross-built from the current base set.

(All packages are the source package name.)

tcl disappears because the Emdebian build *changes* the dependencies of
the new sqlite packages and the program needs to adapt to these changes
by allowing the Emdebian package dependency list to "overrule" the
Debian package dependency list. (i.e. if the package exists in the
Emdebian repository and cache file, use that Build-Depends; if not, go
to the Debian cache file and find out what Debian would normally need.)

Current SVN is at:
Access info:

I want to avoid the need for external sources files, it can already
avoid all use of sudo (via _config->Set). However, although I can parse
a suitable (hard-coded) source, I cannot seem to get libapt-pkg to use
that source - I'm missing a step somewhere. I can then setup the
priorities as above.

Would anyone be interested in helping me with this project? I'm having
trouble following the apt source code and working out just how to
achieve what I need.

(Potentially, this could be useful in situations outside Emdebian too.)


Neil Williams

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