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Re: Accessing the archive mirroring CVS commits?

> The Ubuntu archives use 'bazaar', rather than 'tla' and are stored in a
> slightly different format[0] which 'tla' can't understand.
> I'd recommend someone (maybe Matt) do the following (and the command
> jumping isn't a mistake):
> 	baz register-archive apt@arch.ubuntu.com-SOURCE \
> 			http://arch.ubuntu.com/apt@arch.ubuntu.com/
> 	tla make-archive --listing --signed \
> 			--mirror-from apt@arch.ubuntu.com-SOURCE \
> 			sftp://path/to/public_html/apt@arch.ubuntu.com/
> 	echo "apt@arch.ubuntu.com-SOURCE" \
> 		> ~/.arch-params/signing/apt@arch.ubuntu.com
> 	baz archive-mirror apt@arch.ubuntu.com
> And pop the last command in cron, if there's to be continued mirroring
> from CVS.  This exploits the fact that baz will write to tla archives
> without corrupting them to make a tla-accessible mirror of the archive.

In understand that this should be done on the machine the
apt@arch.ubuntu.com is hosted on, am I wrong ?

I think I get the general point about this but	I don't really
understand whether I can indeed do this or something similar on my own
machine without bothering other people...:-)

Just in case, I installed the bazaar package on my machine....but
please don't tell me to migrate my tla stuff to it..:-)

/me, kinda lost but now needing to get the CVS commits in his archive...

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