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Bug#254716: ... allow code names - will soon be critical

With testing due to be released soon this bug takes on new significance and should be raised to important.

I just finished testing 0.5.27 and the code name issue is definitely not fixed. The preference file recognizes testing but not sarge or Sarge.

I don't have a way of testing 0.6.25 and don't know if there are plans to get it into sarge?

Doing a apt-get dist-upgrade after sarge becomes stable and unstable becomes testing may have disastrous effects! I missed this on a non critical box with:

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=sid
Pin-Priority: -100

It was a disaster.

I am sure there are many who will dist-update and think they have their system pinned to sarge only to find out they created a mess. While you are at it - I would think it wise to remove any case sensitivity in the code names (or at least spit out an error that the name is not recognized instead of failing silently).

Karl Schmidt                         EMail Karl@xtronics.com
Transtronics, Inc.    		       WEB http://xtronics.com
3209 West 9th Street                    Ph (785) 841-3089
Lawrence, KS 66049                     FAX (785) 841-0434

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