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The collection of interest on card issued by a bank is a violation of laws!

Educating yourself about how having debt no more legally is a vital first
step in your journey to having zero debt. 

For the rest of the story about destroying debt, visit us here

Unlike other debt relief & debt reduction options, destroying your debt is
an 'administrative legal process' rather than a financial assistance
program. It makes use of your legal rights as a consumer under Federal Trade
Commission Acts that protect you.

not for you, then use link above

He dropped quietly upon the roof of the great building and walked down the
staircase until he reached the elevators, by means of which he descended to
the ground floor without exciting special attention. The eager rush and
hurry of the people crowding the sidewalks impressed Rob with the idea that
they were all behind time and were trying hard to catch up
He found it impossible to walk along comfortably without being elbowed and
pushed from side to side; so a half hour's sight-seeing under such
difficulties tired him greatly.

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