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Bug#275379: apt-get: please support "satisfy"

Package: apt
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch


please support the possibility to just give some dependencies and have
them satisfied. A patch is attached.

Thanks for consideration.

Only in apt-0.5.27-new: build
diff -ur apt-0.5.27/cmdline/apt-get.cc apt-0.5.27-new/cmdline/apt-get.cc
--- apt-0.5.27/cmdline/apt-get.cc	Thu Feb 26 20:17:55 2004
+++ apt-0.5.27-new/cmdline/apt-get.cc	Sun Sep  5 20:00:38 2004
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
 #include <apt-pkg/cachefile.h>
 #include <apt-pkg/sptr.h>
 #include <apt-pkg/versionmatch.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/deblistparser.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/debsrcrecords.h>
 #include <config.h>
 #include <apti18n.h>
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <regex.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <string>
 using namespace std;
@@ -2234,6 +2237,205 @@
    return true;
+// DoSatisfy - Install/removes packages to satisfy build dependencies  /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This function will look at the build depends list of the given source 
+   package and install the necessary packages to make it true, or fail. */
+bool DoSatisfy(CommandLine &CmdL)
+   CacheFile Cache;
+   if (Cache.Open(true) == false)
+      return false;
+   if (CmdL.FileSize() <= 1)
+      return _error->Error(_("Must specify at least one package to check builddeps for"));
+   string dependencylist;
+   for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++)
+       dependencylist += ((string) *I + (string) " ");
+   vector<pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec> BuildDeps;
+   BuildDeps.clear();
+   pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec rec;
+   const char *Start, *Stop;
+   Start=dependencylist.c_str();
+   Stop=dependencylist.c_str()+strlen(dependencylist.c_str())-1;
+   while (1)
+   {
+       Start = debListParser::ParseDepends(Start, Stop,
+	       rec.Package,rec.Version,rec.Op,true);
+       if (Start == 0)
+	   return _error->Error("Problem parsing dependency: %s", "satisfy");
+       rec.Type = 0; // strictly speaking, we don't need it ...
+       if (rec.Package != "")
+	   BuildDeps.push_back(rec);
+       if (Start == Stop)
+	   break;
+   }
+      printf("Number of dependencies: %i\n", BuildDeps.size());
+      // Install the requested packages
+      unsigned int ExpectedInst = 0;
+      vector <pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec>::iterator D;
+      pkgProblemResolver Fix(Cache);
+      bool skipAlternatives = false; // skip remaining alternatives in an or group
+      for (D = BuildDeps.begin(); D != BuildDeps.end(); D++)
+      {
+         bool hasAlternatives = (((*D).Op & pkgCache::Dep::Or) == pkgCache::Dep::Or);
+         if (skipAlternatives == true)
+         {
+            if (!hasAlternatives)
+               skipAlternatives = false; // end of or group
+            continue;
+         }
+         {
+	    pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache->FindPkg((*D).Package);
+            if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                 cout << "Looking for " << (*D).Package << "...\n";
+	    if (Pkg.end() == true)
+            {
+               if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                    cout << " (not found)" << (*D).Package << endl;
+               if (hasAlternatives)
+                  continue;
+               return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied "
+                                      "because the package %s cannot be found"),
+                                    "build","cmdline",
+                                    (*D).Package.c_str());
+            }
+            /*
+             * if there are alternatives, we've already picked one, so skip
+             * the rest
+             *
+             * TODO: this means that if there's a build-dep on A|B and B is
+             * installed, we'll still try to install A; more importantly,
+             * if A is currently broken, we cannot go back and try B. To fix 
+             * this would require we do a Resolve cycle for each package we 
+             * add to the install list. Ugh
+             */
+	    /* 
+	     * If this is a virtual package, we need to check the list of
+	     * packages that provide it and see if any of those are
+	     * installed
+	     */
+            pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv = Pkg.ProvidesList();
+            for (; Prv.end() != true; Prv++)
+	    {
+               if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                    cout << "  Checking provider " << Prv.OwnerPkg().Name() << endl;
+	       if ((*Cache)[Prv.OwnerPkg()].InstVerIter(*Cache).end() == false)
+	          break;
+            }
+            // Get installed version and version we are going to install
+	    pkgCache::VerIterator IV = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache);
+            if ((*D).Version[0] != '\0') {
+                 // Versioned dependency
+                 pkgCache::VerIterator CV = (*Cache)[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(*Cache);
+                 for (; CV.end() != true; CV++)
+                 {
+                      if (Cache->VS().CheckDep(CV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true)
+                           break;
+                 }
+                 if (CV.end() == true)
+		   if (hasAlternatives)
+		   {
+		      continue;
+		   }
+		   else
+		   {
+                      return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied "
+                                             "because no available versions of package %s "
+                                             "can satisfy version requirements"),
+                                           "build", "cmdline",
+                                           (*D).Package.c_str());
+		   }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               // Only consider virtual packages if there is no versioned dependency
+               if (Prv.end() == false)
+               {
+                  if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                     cout << "  Is provided by installed package " << Prv.OwnerPkg().Name() << endl;
+                  skipAlternatives = hasAlternatives;
+                  continue;
+               }
+            }
+            if (IV.end() == false)
+            {
+               if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                  cout << "  Is installed\n";
+               if (Cache->VS().CheckDep(IV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true)
+               {
+                  skipAlternatives = hasAlternatives;
+                  continue;
+               }
+               if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                  cout << "    ...but the installed version doesn't meet the version requirement\n";
+               if (((*D).Op & pkgCache::Dep::LessEq) == pkgCache::Dep::LessEq)
+               {
+                  return _error->Error(_("Failed to satisfy %s dependency for %s: Installed package %s is too new"),
+                                       "build", "cmdline",
+                                       Pkg.Name());
+               }
+            }
+            if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+               cout << "  Trying to install " << (*D).Package << endl;
+            if (TryToInstall(Pkg,Cache,Fix,false,false,ExpectedInst) == true)
+            {
+               // We successfully installed something; skip remaining alternatives
+               skipAlternatives = hasAlternatives;
+               continue;
+            }
+            else if (hasAlternatives)
+            {
+               if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true)
+                  cout << "  Unsatisfiable, trying alternatives\n";
+               continue;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               return _error->Error(_("Failed to satisfy %s dependency for %s: %s"),
+				    "build", "cmdline",
+                                    (*D).Package.c_str());
+            }
+	 }	       
+      Fix.InstallProtect();
+      if (Fix.Resolve(true) == false)
+	 _error->Discard();
+      // Now we check the state of the packages,
+      if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0)
+         return _error->Error(_("Build-dependencies could not be satisfied."));
+   }
+   if (InstallPackages(Cache, false, true) == false)
+      return _error->Error(_("Failed to process build dependencies"));
+   return true;
+									/*}}}*/
 // DoMoo - Never Ask, Never Tell					/*{{{*/
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -2422,6 +2624,7 @@
+				   {"satisfy",&DoSatisfy},
Only in apt-0.5.27-new/debian: copyright

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