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Re: build-dep fixes in cvs, please test

Helo Randolph,

Here I send you the gzipped unified cvs diff.
This is intended to be applied to the current CVS
(I've done a diff between the current apt-get.cc and my patched one).

It does include the behaviour of the OR dependencies.
It does not include the behaviour of your last changes about the version checking.
But I've seen the code and it shouldn't be too hard to include it again.
(I haven't included it because I don't have time to test it, and
I would not like to send you something without testing it).

Thank you very much for your patience.
Asier Llano

The code that you've done and should be included is:

+            // Get installed version and version we are going to install
+	    pkgCache::VerIterator IV = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache);
+	    pkgCache::VerIterator CV = (*Cache)[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(*Cache);
+            for (; CV.end() != true; CV++)
+            {
+               if (Cache->VS().CheckDep(CV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true)
+                  break;
+            }
+            if (CV.end() == true)
+	       return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied "
+                                      "because no available versions of package %s "
+                                      "can satisfy version requirements"),
+				      Last->BuildDepType((*D).Type),Src.c_str(),
+                                      (*D).Package.c_str());

Randolph Chung escribió::

I already fixed that (23 Jan 2003) and sent a patch to deity-digest and Jason.
I sent the result of a 'cvs diff' ready to be included in the source.

Please resend as a gzipped unified diff, and I'll take a look.


Attachment: apt-get.cc.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

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