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download all of sid except for what's already on one's CDs

Gentlemen, I'm well on my way to producing for myself like apt-zip, or
/usr/share/doc/apt/offline.html/ch3.html , but that gets the freshest
versions of everything, minus what you already have on cds, and is
different than jigdo, which is still  for burning a whole set of cds.

One thing I learned is I can't use any of the apt- or dpkg- commands,
as they use the state of what is installed or not, not something I'm
concerned with.

Just updating what you already have installed means you'll never have
access to new kernel-images etc. We give a script to our well
networked friend who makes a CD for us, which we take back to modem
mountain, do a dist-upgrade with it, and keep it around in case we
want to install anything else in sid. [or sarge, etc, just modify my

Here is what I do so far:
$ awk '/^Package:/{p=$2};/^Filename/{f=$2};/^$/{print p"\t"f}' \
$ awk '/^Package:/{p=$2};/^Filename/{f=$2};/^$/{print p"\t"f}' \
$ comm -23 remote_list cd_list |cut -f2 >toget
$ sed 's#^#http://debian.linux.org.tw/debian/#' toget

then this list is given to my friend who does wget and puts them on a
CD or two for me.

One concern is, as seen in man apt-get, "Note that the file name to
write to will not always match the file name on the remote
site!". Does this spell trouble?  Do I have to look for colons in
version numbers and paste %3a into filenames still?

I don't have the fancy checks of apt-zip-list... but I can see how to
do them.

If he gives me a couple of CDs filled with .debs then I'm probably in
pretty good shape.  perhaps i will instead give him a script to make
cdroms for apt-cdrom, using dpkg-scanpackages...

anyways, it's odd that the apt-zip and apt-get --print-uris don't have
a feature to 'get them all in case we want them later'.
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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