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doogie's updates to dpkg's dependency parser

[I am not subscribed to either of these lists.]

11:54AM|<doogie> Overfiend: did you have suggestions for my dep parser
  email?  if so, could you email them, to both lists?
11:55AM|<Overfiend> I suggested making the arch: in {arch: feature}
11:55AM|<asuffield> Overfiend: should probably just be {all: foo} or
  maybe {any: foo}
11:55AM|<doogie> Overfiend: we need cpu, kernel, and arch(combined
11:56AM|<doogie> i386: mmx; linux: ng-threads

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    Yeah, that's what Jesus would do.
branden@debian.org                 |    Jesus would bomb Afghanistan. Yeah.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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