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Bug#203299: acknowledged by developer (Closing)

On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 06:51:35AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> >>>>> "D" == Debian Bug Tracking System <owner@bugs.debian.org> writes:
> D> If you are not willing to test fixes for bugs that the developers are not
> D> able to reproduce, please refrain from filing them in the first place.
> What if I had simply replied with a polite "Thanks!" to your patch.
> Then you perhaps have trustingly incorporated a patch for something
> caused by user error or misconfiguration.
> And fixing things that you can't reproduce is worrisome guessing.

Which is exactly why someone who can reproduce it needs to try that patch,
and it can't just be put in the next version.

And BTW, it's not "worrisome guessing" -- it's reading program flow and
figuring out potential problems with it. But with no possibility of testing
it isn't always clear if something is indeed a problem, and if the changes
made are correct.



"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever
 receive either."
	-- Benjamin Franklin

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