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Bug#178736: apt: trailing blanks

M> How can you seriously consider this a bug which needs to be fixed?

>> thought i was helping.

M> It was an honest question...did these spaces cause a problem or some
M> unexpected behaviour?

Not at all, I'm just saying that when all the other bugs are cleaned
up, this one last item can be taken care of, to make the program

if you check my recent debian bugs or usenet postings, you'll see that
i have caught many 'whitespace slobs' e.g. fetchmail who adds up to
two for each line in syslog... also i suggested this as a lintian or
deb policy reminder item. anyways, i'm pointing it out now as who
knows, next month i might turn my (setq-default
show-trailing-whitespace t) emacs x-ray specs off and then be as blind
as everybody else to this minor, but still wasteful area in creating
the common goal of a sleek fine tuned debian.
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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