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Bug#147817: apt-get install <src package> installs binary packages produced without a message

reassign 148021 apt
retitle 148021 more confusion caused by apt
merge 148021 147817

The trigger in this case was 'gnat-3.1'. The package name contains a '.'
and therefore triggers the regex code.

>From apt-get(8):

	If no package matches the given expression and the expression
	contains one of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX
	regex and it is applied to all package names in the database.
	Any matches are then installed (or removed). Note that matching
	is done by substring so 'lo.*' matches 'how-lo' and 'lowest'. If
	this is undesired prefix with a '^' character.

To solve this, I would suggest to either

a) print a warning message, when the regex code kicks in, or

b) remove the dot from the triggering characters (7% of all packages in
my dpkg/status have a '.' in their name), or 

c) instead add '[]^$()|' to the triggering characters:

| root@zion:~# apt-get install ^gnat
| Reading Package Lists... Done
| Building Dependency Tree... Done
| E: Couldn't find package ^gnat


d) remove this **** totally. Instead implement simple globbing as dpkg
has. This would radically improve consistency of interface with in
Debians core management utilities:

| root@zion:~# apt-cache show '*gnat*'
| W: Unable to locate package *gnat*
| root@zion:~# dpkg -l '*gnat*'
| Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
| | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-con
| |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (St
| uppercase=bad)
| ||/ Name                      Version                  
| +++-=========================-=========================
| pn  gnat                      <none>                   
| [...]

Thank you for your time and work, 


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