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Why isn't apt internationalized?

Hello all,

One thing that makes me wonder is why apt still not internationalized.
What are the problems? A quick run on my home machine didn't show any
particular problems. A small patch, some translations, et voilá:

Es müssen 0B/53,7MB der Archive geholt werden. Nach dem Auspacken werden 2003kB benutzt.

I noticed several occasions where patches were proposed, as in:
http://lists.debian.org/deity/2001/deity-200108/msg00031.html and
the http://bugs.debian.org/103778 bug report.

There's also another bug http://bugs.debian.org/95933 which is of minor

I really want to see a translated apt in Debian, and it's a shame that
it isn't already in spite of those bug reports; it's unlikely we will
see a translation in woody. Is there any way I can provide help? I don't
just want to bitch around.


|=| Michael Piefel                    piefel@informatik.hu-berlin.de
|=| Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin              http://www.piefel.de
|=| Tel. (+49 30) 2093 3831

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