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Bug#94061: bug #94061

Am 31. May, 2001 schwäzte Greg Wooledge so:

> (Note that I'm Cc'ing the bug report; that's why I quoted your whole
> message.)
> Hmm, interesting.  It's actually a small collection of shell scripts
> that look like this:
> .........................................................................
> #!/bin/sh
> THISAPT=apt-sec
> CACHEDIR=/var/cache/$THISAPT
> /usr/bin/apt-cache -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/etc/apt/security.list -o APT::Cache::archives=$CACHEDIR/archives/ -o APT::Cache::pkgcache=$CACHEDIR/pkgcache.bin -o APT::Cache::srcpkgcache=$CACHEDIR/srcpkgcache.bin -o Dir::State::lists=$STATEDIR/lists/ $*
> .........................................................................
> First, I'd replace $* with "$@" so that arguments with white space in
> them are handled properly.  (I can't think of any apt-* arguments with
> white space in them off the top of my head, but that's not the point.)

OK, good idea.

> Second, while this is certainly a useful workaround, I doubt it's what
> the apt maintainers will want to do. :-)

Same here, which is why I never submitted it :).

> But I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person in the world who wants
> this type of flexibility.

It's been really awesome. I can pick and choose from dists as well as
maintain whichever one I want. Half of my boxen run testing, the other half
stable. Where I've started working we need several apps from unstable. My
scripts will allow us to run testing, but grab the stuff we need from

I foresee us replacing everything but apt-sec with the pinning capabilities
in apt >0.5 once we get it working right. We might be able to do the same
for apt-sec, but I'm not sure. You would still need it to get the feature
you want for this bug.

Note, though, that I will probably stick with my scripts for slow machines
with little RAM. Doing a dist-upgrade hammers them while going through the
package lists. I'm not certain a couple of my boxen could handle having 2 or
3 dists worth of packages to go through at one time.


# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
#  Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans

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