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how does apt build the URL from the source specification?


I'm writing a custom mirror script to mirror some unofficial apt source

Since I don't want to keep the original directory hierarchy, I thought I'd
build the URLs to fetch from the Packages file of the apt-source. However,
this appears to be a non-trivial task.

Basically, how do I get the URL of the package file from the following

- sources.list line in the form of 'deb proto://A/ B C1 C2 ... Cn'

- 'Filename: ' line in the Packages file in the form of

In some of the cases I've looked at,
'proto://A/dir1/dir2/.../dirn/filename.deb' would work; in others, 'B' or
even 'Ci' would have to show up in the URL.

Could you please specify the algorithm apt uses internally in pseudocode?

Thank you very much and best regards,


            Andrew Korn (Korn Andras) <korn@chardonnay.math.bme.hu>
             Finger korn@chardonnay.math.bme.hu for pgp key. QOTD:
                A language is a dialect with an army behind it.

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