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Re: Bug#68954: apt-get: fails on transparent HTTP proxy

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Paul Slootman wrote:

> When trying to do apt-get update (or any other "fetching" function),
> apt-get fails with a "bad header line" message; it's not clear what
> exactly the bad header line is.

It means some part of the header response was garbled. Looks like your
proxy is injecting crap after the end of the first message which is where
the next pipelined header header should be, tsk tsk.
Trouble is, APT already compensates for exactly that, could you add the 
-o Debug::Acquire::http=true and -qq options and send me that output..

> Fact is that to the client it looks like you're connecting directly
> to the site you specify, but the corporate firewall/etc. redirects
> this through a transparent proxy, which is probably screwing things

Yeah, I know. These things have a habit of completely screwing up HTTP/1.1
clients. There are so many work around already in apt to deal with various
levels of defectiveness.. I think yours is definately the first I've seen
to completely not work though.

You can already see your proxy fscking up, it has two 'connection: close'
headers, and a proxy-connection header which shouldn't be there in
transparent mode and isn't defined in the http/1.1 RFC :P

PS: FTP doesn't do IMS presumably because you are behind that crappy TIS
FTP proxy which blocks the queries required IIRC.


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