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apt-get features

Hi apt-get package maintainer(s),

I hope I got the right mail adress for this, if not can you tell me which
one I should have?

Because of things I saw coming over the debian-user list over the last few
months I though of a few things to improve apt-get. I thought of the

- Over the mailing list lots of quetions come regarding package
installation and such, the amount of 'newbies' who know about apt-get is
very limited (as far as I can tell). I think they should be pointed to
it. In order to do so I got the following idea: point out to apt somewhere
during installation, I think the best place for this would be before we
start dselect. I know we can't just make a point out to anything, it would
only be irritating, but I think apt-get is a thing we should point to
because it's something almost anybody will want to use but not everybody
knows it exists and how to use it.

- The seconds thing is some kind of function to go back after an upgrade
without having to download again (the old versions that is), this because
during upgrades things go wrong often and not everybody has a real good
connection or a local mirror ;)

- The last thing is something I've had a problem with a while ago when I
upgraded from Slink to Potato. It's more a thing of dpkg, but apt-get can
solve it. The problem is it gave dependencies-versions conflicts when
upgrading perl and libc6, I had to use dpkg with all kinds of force
options to get my system upgraded. The main problem was that some packages
depended on perl 5.004 (or older lib6), so dpkg gave errors while later in
upgrade perl was going to be upgraded to perl 5.005 (what was the needed

I hope you can use these advices one way or another and one more
thing: keep up the good work! ;)

Ron Rademaker

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