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Re: Bug#63124: apt-get isn't getting new Package lists

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Matthew Hawkins wrote: 

> Well the odd funky filesystem is ext2, the odd funky kernel is 2.2.15pre17 and
> 2.3.99pre* (* currently == 6).  I'm not aware of anything in these kernels
> which would cause such problems.


The stat information is fine. The atime shows the last access and the
ctime shows the last write to the file. The mtime should *exactly*
corrispond to the file on the remote site. However, it appears to be the
time at the start of the download!

AFAIK their are only two ways that can happen.. The first is if the server
does not send a Last-Modified header (or one could not be found) or their
is some really big cock up in glibc's timegm function (unlikely!)

There is also a slim chance that there is something funny with the gzip
process. That is easy to check, can you stat the Release files and compare
timestamps with the original?

Can you use strace to capture a session? Use something like

strace -o /tmp/apt -ff -f -s 1024 apt-get update

And send me the trace for the http method doing downloading of the files
that fail.

> Note how the Change and Modify dates differ.  I don't think this is normal.

It is normal if the program uses mtime to transfer the file timestamp.


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