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Bug#48699: marked as done ("apt-get -b source foo && dpkg -i foo*.deb" != "apt-get install foo")

Your message dated Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:53:47 -0600 (MDT)
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and subject line Bug#48699: "apt-get -b source foo && dpkg -i foo*.deb" != "apt-get install foo"
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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From: Paul Kimoto <kimoto@lightlink.com>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:48:29 -0400
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: "apt-get -b source foo && dpkg -i foo*.deb" != "apt-get install foo"
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Version: 0.3.13

I did "apt-get --compile source fileutils" followed by "dpkg -i -G
fileutils_4.0-4_i386.deb" (i.e., install the newly created .deb file).
Afterwards, "apt-get -s dist-upgrade" tells me that apt still would like to
"Inst fileutils".  (According to the ...unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages
file, 4.0-4 is the version that "apt-get install fileutils" would acquire.)

Is this a bug, or a feature?  If a feature, is this discussed anywhere
in the documentation?

	-Paul <kimoto@lightlink.com>

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Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 00:53:47 -0600 (MDT)
From: Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@ualberta.ca>
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To: Paul Kimoto <kimoto@lightlink.com>, 48699-done@bugs.debian.org
cc: APT Development Team <deity@lists.debian.org>
Subject: Re: Bug#48699: "apt-get -b source foo && dpkg -i foo*.deb" != "apt-get install foo"
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On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, Paul Kimoto wrote:

> Is this a bug, or a feature?  If a feature, is this discussed anywhere
> in the documentation?

Feature, and I don't think it is well documented. The end result is that
APT can differentiate between some 'same version different compiles'
situations and in that case it 'upgrades' to the version in the archive
which is presumably newer.

If this is undesired there are two options:
   1) Hold
   2) Recompile and change the version number like you are supposed to


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