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Re: debconf apt configurator

"J.A. Bezemer" <costar@panic.et.tudelft.nl> writes:

> A possible strategy that is quite platform independent would then be:
> - Use dmesg to find /dev/hd[a-z] that do exist but don't have a partition
>   table, and /dev/scd[0-9] that exist. (If no one exists, don't even
>   display a `CD' choice in the install menu)
> - Try to read the first 1024 bytes of the detected devices. For CD's, all
>   bytes should be 0.
> - Try something like isosize on the plausible CD locations. If isosize
>   succeeds, the disk should be mountable.
> - Mount the CD and check for something that indicate that it's a Debian CD
>   (dists/ or potato/ directory, or maybe .disk/info).
> (Hmm, the second step isn't really necessary)
> Note that the dmesg output should be saved somewhere ASAP after booting.
> Regards,
>   Anne Bezemer

Don´t be too smart during installation (like checking weather /target
is NFS mounted during install, so you can´t install an NFS-ROOT
systems without tricks). Keep the check simple, just try mounting all
possible locations and check for the magic files. Don´t even care for
the "-t" option for mount. Maybe someone copied the CD to a fvat
partition, because his DVD doesn´t work under linux. It´s nothing
wrong with having the contents of the CD on a vfat filesystem or on an 
ext2 filesystem. As long as after mounting the version files on the
Debian CD (as used by dpkg-multicd) are present and wellformed keep
that drive/partition in mind as cdrom. If more than one is found
present a choise of the possible devices with the version information
provided on them.

May the Source be with you.

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