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Re: Bug#25019: apt: Confusing progress report

severity 25019 wishlist

On Sat, 25 Jul 1998, Gregory S. Stark wrote:

First, the progress meter is provided mearly as some eye candy, it is not
nescessary that it be usefull in all cases, or even in most cases. 

It's basically impossible to cram all the information people want to see
on a single line, and apt-get is not going to use curses so it will never
have more than one line to play with. No matter what I do someone will

> 2) The filename in the concurrent downloads can be the same and when it is
> there's no indication which is which.

Space constraints do require this. Your idea for numbering the Get: lines
is very nice, I might adopt that in a future version.
> 3) The units are inconsistent. Some use bytes, some k and some M. The normal
> rule is to use the same units whenever two numbers are put in direct contrast,
> so 151560/273k should be 151k/273k which would be much clearer.

This is to save space and still continue to provide an accurate view of
the progress. All numbers with a letter after them are shown to at most 5
characters. The maximum precision that can be fit in that constraint is

The current plan is to use different display selections based on the
connection count. This will likely be implemented in a distant future
version that makes more agressive use of mutliple connections.
Even all your suggestions won't help if the user has 4 open connections
and yet they show less information for someone who only has 2.


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