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I have an idea what would cause your segfault. Can you look in 


Around line 290 you might see this:

  const charT* c_str () const
    { terminate (); return data (); } 

If you have an older version. The newest version has this around line 290,

  const charT* c_str () const
    { if (length () == 0) return ""; terminate (); return data (); }

The old version would corrupt some random peice of code in the code
segment if you called c_str() on the nil string. The new version won't. I
actually ended up doing this in some cases <sigh>. Depending on how things
linked it might not be a problem.

Scott: Please make sure that you have libstc++ 2.90.27-0.6 at least, I
think this is imporant enough to warrent an explicit dependency on newer

All: you will have to rebuild -EVERYTHING- to be sure that the old inline
function is properly purged from the system once you upgrade to the new


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