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Automake does not seem to like something like:

libpkg_la_SOURCES       = admin.cc package.cc pkgctrlinfo.cc pkgelement.cc \
                          pkglist.cc pkglistvect.cc version.cc templates.cc \
                          pkgcachemerge.cc pkgcache.cc deb/parser.cc    
(last item)

So how are we supposed to make use of files in the 'deb' dir? They are not
supposed to be a library, but if it makes automake happy you can statically 
link libdeb into libpkg (is that possible?). Clients should only have to
care about libpkg..

BTW, there should be a configure option someday to decide if you want deb
+ rpm or just one of them. Since we don't have rpm now it's not

Also, please update the TODO file..


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