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Bug#999926: Looking for an advice on PCRE2 and GLib regex


Cc'ing pkg-gnome-maintainers because I'd like their advice and insight as well.

I'm working on porting xfce4-verve-plugin[1] to PCRE2. By chance, I
have come across GLib's regex API, which seems like a higher-level
wrapper around PCRE2. Perhaps you are familiar with it. If so, what
could you say about it? Is it stable or mature enough? Does it change
often or have bugs? Would you recommend using it?

It seems to me that it's a bit more straightforward but does it bring
any particular advantages over PCRE2? To be honest, xfce4-verve-plugin
uses regex only to test whether a given string is a URL or an email
within two simple functions, so it's nothing really major and I'm
almost done porting anyway. I'm just curious and interested to know
your thoughts.

[1] https://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-verve-plugin/-/merge_requests/8

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