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Bug#1023645: parole: often the video stops but the sound goes on

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On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 1:33 PM Сергей Фёдоров <serfyod0vr@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Often, the video track stops playing and the audio track plays on. Only restarting the Parole fixes the situation.

What video formats? Does it happen with particular ones? Anything in
your ~/.xsession-errors? Does parole produce any output if started
from the terminal? Does it happen during high loads, in fullscreen?
Does pausing and resuming help? Is the frame still or do any
artifacts, visual glitches appear in it? Did it happen before you
switched to unstable? Has it been happening for a long time or only
recently? Any info would be helpful.

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