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Bug#1023108: xfce4-power-manager: user cannot shutdown/reboot

Control: reassign -1 xfce4-session

Thanks for providing more info. Indeed, it looks to be a polkit issue
perhaps due to incorrect user configuration.

By the way, how do you open the logout dialog? Do you press the power
button? Do you press Alt+F4? Are the buttons clickable if you run

On Sun, 30 Oct 2022 19:16:09 +0100 Slavko <linux@slavino.sk> wrote:
> Yes, Internet forums are full of that type of problems, but most of
> them are years old (at least those, which i found while searching
> solution) and/or comes from user's wrong configuration -- not worth to
> discuss. The only one which seems to be useful (but comes from buster)
> is
> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/491038/how-to-block-shutdown-or-reboot-in-debian-xfce-when-other-users-logged-in
> but again, it it is old and more about polkit rules syntax.

Even if they're outdated, they will still give us some hints. For
example, there are some good posts here:
https://forum.xfce.org/search.php?search_id=1066423945. In one of
them, there is a suggestion to check whether you have the correct
polkit actions:
`pkaction --action-id org.xfce.session.xfsm-shutdown-helper --verbose`

> In ~/.xsession-errors is something, i attach yesterday file (lines are
> too long). I removed some lines, on which i am **sure** that they are
> not related and renamed my user name. IMO, it must contains second
> (full) login.
> The user's journalctl contains only today entries (i have disabled
> journald persistence), i run it with -f option in console and did
> logout/login, nothing related in it at logout, but i attached it too
> (changed username again and removed lines which i am sure that are not
> related).

Another thing that could help us determine what's really going on is
to enable debugging of the session. Could you please try the
1. `sed 's/\(exec xfce4-session\)/XFSM_VERBOSE=1 \1/'
/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc > ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc`
2. Restart your Xfce session.
3. Everything will now be logged to ~/.xfce4-session.verbose-log
4. `tail -f ~/.xfce4-session.verbose-log` while keeping your terminal
window open and launch the logout dialog (e.g. Alt+F4 on the desktop)

If you can, try creating a new user and see whether the buttons are enabled.

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