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Re: New package: xfce4-panel-profiles

Hi, Yves-Alexis.

I've been talking to Unit193 in the #debian-xfce IRC room, and I'd like to maintain the package on the team. Could you help me in this process?

Thank you very much.

Em 17/02/2022 13:41, Leandro Ramos escreveu:
Hi, Yves-Alexis.

Yes, I'm interested in join debian-xfce to help with some packages.
What is the next step?

Thank you :)

Leandro Ramos

Em 17/02/2022 07:35, Yves-Alexis Perez escreveu:
On Wed, 2022-02-16 at 12:47 -0300, Leandro Ramos wrote:
> Hello. I'm working on xfce4-panel-profiles package. I have a sponsor helping me (Samuel Henrique).
>  I'd like to know how I can get the package under the Debian XFCE team. Can you help me?

Hi Leandro,

I'm not against taking the package under the debian-xfce umbrella, but right
now we're a bit struggling with not enough people onboard to help on the all
the packages we maintain (whether “core” packages, panel plugins, applications
etc.). So adding a new package to that would require a strong commitment to
help maintain it and other packages in the project.

Would that be something you're interested in? You don't have to jump all the
way in right for the start, we don't have a lot of ressources for onboarding
but you can start small and then gain confidence?

You can join the IRC channel #debian-xfce on OFTC as well.


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