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Re: Xfce packages on salsa missing pristine-tar

On Wed, 09 May 2018 10:30:15 +0200,
Yves-Alexis Perez<corsac@debian.org> wrote:

>On Tue, 2018-05-08 at 17:08 +0200, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
>> Alright, I have started working some on this, managing to get a
>> pristine-tar where it's missing (I am looking at exo at the moment),
>> but then I run into the next hurdle -  
>It seems that I actually have local pristine-tar branches so I should
>be able to push them.

Thanks! I did test some and managed to recreate a pristine-tar branch
using uscan and putting it into git.

>> I want to rename the master branch to debian/master according to
>> DEP-14, but to remove the master branch in salsa, I need more
>> permissions for those repos to be able to change permissions of the
>> different branches.  
>Please give me the repositories you're working on (here or on irc) and
>I'll do the removal dance.

Well, I am currently looking at thunar-archive-plugin, which has a new
upstream release, but it hasn't yet been imported to git at all...

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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