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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#790121: Bug#790121: xfce4-weather-plugin: Source ID 2485 was not found when attempting to remove it

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On sam., 2015-06-27 at 14:07 +0200, Ingo wrote:
> This is not related to the g_slice_set_config thing; it is GLib
> diagnosing a bug in the way xfce4-weather-plugin, or some other library
> used by xfce4-weather-plugin, is using it.

Unfortunately, that's not really helpful here. Finding ?a bug in xfce4
-weather-plugin or some other library? without any clue where it might
lies, isn't really possible with that kind of information.

So feel free to debug this and provide any insight if you really feel
bad about it.

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