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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#785622: Bug#785622: Bug#785622: xfce4: black screen after resume from suspend

On lun., 2015-05-18 at 16:08 +0200, Manolo D?az wrote:
> Yes. And there's something I find weird: the xrandr output is those
> cases is almost the same that when run on the desktop. TV dimensions
> seem missed, and there's no selected mode.

I think the CRTC0 might be used for something else. It might be worth
trying to disable all output completely and re-enable it later (from ssh
or with something like sleep 10...)
> Anyway, I forgot to mention that failures happen most of the time, but
> not always. I've been unable to find a pattern.

I saw something a bit similar a one point but that was with light-locker
handling screen locking and some race condition in the vt-switch. It's
not reproducible anymore.

In any case, it might be worth asking xorg people.

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