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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Replacing or taking precedence over an existing AT-SPI process

Hello again.

When working to solve bug 760740 (at least on bleeding-edge versions of
lightdm and lightdm-gtk-greeter) I found a different workaround than the
one employed by Samuel: setting the xserver-share option to false in
lightdm.conf lets AT-SPI die after the Lightdm greeter session
terminates and the X server exits; I suppose restarting the X server
wouldn't be unacceptable, even if in this case the issue is not moot, as
we have a fix.

Anyway all of this feels a little fragile.  As far as I can see with my
superficial knowledge I would like to allow AT-SPI to be started with
some --replace version so that the current accessibility bus can be
replaced by a new one; or, if the process can't be killed, at least the
current user could specify her own new process.

Orca does that in a fine way at a different level, connecting to AT-SPI;
What I'm imagining is doing the same when AT-SPI connects to dbus.  Is
there some fundamental reason why my idea is wrong or unfeasible (for
example, permissions)?  Do you happen to have some pointers for me to
look at to better understand the issue?  Is this worth the trouble?

Thanks for your time,

Luca Saiu      http://ageinghacker.net
* GNU epsilon: http://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon
* Vaucanson:   http://vaucanson-project.org
* Marionnet:   http://www.marionnet.org

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