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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#728361: consolekit and libpam-systemd together

Hi Yves-Alexis,

Bug report should be renamed to:
"no consolekit session available when libpam-systemd is
present" (not libpam-consolekit).

that states that there is no problem to have consolekit and
libpam-systemd together, I tried a modified version of lightdm that
allows it (pach in attachment).
Note that one can achieve the same after installing libpam-ck-connector
(+removing the nox11 option) and
tweaking /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90consolekit so that consolekit is run

So far i had no problem running lightdm+xfce4-session with 
consolekit only installed as well as with consolekit+libpam-systemd
installed. Test is not extensive (restart, shutdown, udisk are ok).

Given my poor coding experience, writing that patch looks too obvious
and I suspect I may have missed something, then I recommend to review it
carefully (upstream, maybe ?) in case you intend to use it.

BTW, this is unrelated because it affects lightdm and xfce4-session
versions already in archive, when libpam-systemd  is installed, if I
leave a session and log in again, loginctl shows previous sessions on
the same seat. Example:
$: loginctl -a
SESSION        UID USER             SEAT            
         1       1000 pascal           seat0           
         2       1000 pascal           seat0           
        c3        102 lightdm          seat0           
         3       1000 pascal           seat0           
4 sessions listed.
$: ck-list-sessions 
	unix-user = '1000'
	realname = ''
	seat = 'Seat1'
	session-type = ''
	active = TRUE
	x11-display = ':0'
	x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
	display-device = ''
	remote-host-name = ''
	is-local = TRUE
	on-since = '2013-11-28T20:37:11.191451Z'
	login-session-id = '3'

I would have expected seeing only one session for the user (assuming
previous sessions have ended). I do not know if it is the normal
behavior or not and I do not know who to blame (lightdm or
xfce-session ?). I can open a bug report for that if you wish.

Pascal Dormeau

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: 06_allow_libpamsystemd_and_ck_together.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 1673 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-xfce-devel/attachments/20131128/0cc4d39d/attachment-0001.patch>

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