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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#626586: Bug#626586: Menu: View > Side Pane > [ ] Shortcuts / [ ] Tree should be radio buttons

Hi Yves-Alexis.

> Can you do radio buttons inside menus?

Yesss, sssirrr, GTK+ can, sssirrr! ;-)

"GtkRadioMenuItem ? A choice from multiple check menu items

"[...]A radio menu item is a check menu item that belongs to a group. At
each instant exactly one of the radio menu items from a group is selected.

The group list does not need to be freed, as each GtkRadioMenuItem will
remove itself and its list item when it is destroyed."

The XFC pages of XFCE.org say this:

"Detailed Description
A GtkRadioMenuItem C++ wrapper class.

A radio menu item is a check menu item that belongs to a group. At each
instant exactly one of the radio menu items from a group is selected.
You create a group radio menu items the same way you would create a
group of buttons (see Gtk::RadioButton)."

http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-mnstbs-mnui also has
some nice explanation (for Ruby, though):

"Radio Menu Items

Gtk::RadioMenuItem is a widget derived from Gtk::CheckMenuItem. It is
rendered as a radio button instead of a check button. A radio menu item
is a check menu item that belongs to a group. At each instant exactly
one of the radio menu items from a group is selected.

The first radio button should be created with
Gtk::RadioMenuItem.new(label = nil, use_underline = true). All other
radio menu items should be created with Gtk::RadioMenuItem.new(group,
label = nil, use_underline = true)."



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