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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#607968: Bug#607968: xfce4-panel: xfce-panel appears as normal window

Thanks to Yves-Alexis this bug has been fixed. Thank you Yves-Alexis. I appreciate a summary of the steps needed to solve a bug. Therefore, I thought I would provide a quick summary for someone who stumbles across this bug of the general fix. 

Bug in xfce4-panel 4.4.2-6 with libglib corrected by upgrading xfce4-panel

Solution Summary:
1. Set xfce4-panel to use backports
 1a. follow instructions here: http://backports.debian.org/Instructions/
 1b. Update apt: apt-get update
 1c. Execute update: aptitude -t lenny-backports install xfce4-panel
 1d. Note this only works if the backport version is newer than the normal package version
2. Verify xfce4-panel upgrade by checking the policy information:
 2a. apt-cache policy xfce4-panel
3. Log-out and log back in for xfce4 to register the update

Note: Once the command in step 1c has run, the normal apt-get update, apt-get upgrade sequence will install the latest xfce4-panel in backports.



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