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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#513373: Bug#513373: xfce4: Xfce not monitoring desktop file changes

reassign 513373 xfdesktop4
severity 513373 wishlist
On mer, 2009-01-28 at 13:45 +0100, Juan Miguel Corral wrote:

> If you create a new file or launcher on the desktop, it won't be shown 
> unless you hit F5. Same when you download a file to the Desktop.

Install gamin or fam?

> This can be easily fixed by installing the package "fam", and adding 
> users to the "haldaemon" group. Maybe this package could be added as a 
> dependency to xfce4. The fam daemon uses very little resources.

Thunar already recommends gamin (which we recommend over fam). A
Recommends should be added to xfdesktop, but if you install Xfce, thunar
will be brought in, as long as gamin, so everything will be find. (I'm
pretty confident a default install brings it).


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