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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#506406: xfce4: apt bug causes gdm to pull in unneeded/unwanted gnome dependencies

On Monday 05 January 2009, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> > Reason is that tasksel makes use of the Task: fields in the Packages
> > file, not the task files included in tasksel itself (which,
> > simplified, are only used to update the Packages file).
> Ha, crap. And I guess the Task: order isn't reliable?

The order of packages in the Packages file is reliable (alphabetical), but 
I'm not sure how exactly that translates to the order in which tasksel 
will list packages when it calls aptitude.

> > Would replacing gdm by xdm solve the problem (see #510422)?
> Well, I guess so.

Could you (or someone else from the desktop teams) test this?

> I'd like some comments from other pkg-xfce team 
> members, but if it's not too late, that would be ok.

There is a slight risk of incompatibility with tasksel.

> I didn't use xdm since quite some time, but does it uses a desktop-base
> theme by default, these days?

No idea. You are supposed to be the desktop people here...

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