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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#525945: Bug#525945: Info received (Bug#525945: Info received (Bug#525945: Info received ( Bug#525945: Bug#525945: Bug#525945: thunar fails to remount removable media when running as daemon)))

On 04/28/09 10:15, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> I'm not sure this is a good idea. I'm investigating shutdown bugs for
> another user, and we just managed to find that, if you don't use gdm,
> then you _need_ libpam-ck-connector so you have the correct rights, and
> can shutdown.

I can shutdown and hibernate just fine without libpam-ck-connector, from 
my graphical session. I'm now starting xfce with:

   startx /usr/bin/startxfce4

Starting with just 'startxfce4' from the command prompt won't work, 
though. Perhaps something similar has to be done for gnome and KDE?

Also, I am not trying to do any dbus/hal stuff from my initial text 
terminal logon, so I can't say what would happen there without 

> I don't really know what happens to you, but it seems that the ?first?
> Thunar is outside of consolekit, somethingg like that?

That seems to be it exactly. If thunar is started as a daemon using the 
settings menu, it is invoked with the thunar-settings script, which uses 
dbus to launch thunar, and the way I was invoking xfce4 before was not 
including dbus in the ck-launch-session command. Now that I am using 
startx /usr/bin/startxfce4 to start xfce4, everything is working fine, 
including when thunar gets launched via dbus in thunar-settings.

> I think (but I'm not yet really sure) that, if you're not using gdm (and
> kdm, maybe), then you need to have libpam-ck-connector installed, and
> you should start xfce using startxfce4 or startxfce4, but anyway beware
> of that consolekit stuff.
> I don't really know what you are trying to do with your .xsession and
> the ck-launch-session stuff.

All I did was step through what happens in the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* 
scripts, to determine what the final xinit client command would be. It 
matters what order things are invoked in. My original method (using my 
.xsession file in my home directory) resulted in the xinit client being:

   ssh-agent dbus-launch ck-session-launch --exit-with-session 

Where my .xsession file then exec'd startxfce4. This resulted in 
everything except dbus being launched within ck-session-launch. Thus 
thunar being launched via dbus in thunar-settings did not get the right 
policykit authorizations, which caused my initial problem.

Removing my .xsession file and starting instead with 'startx 
/usr/bin/startxfce4' results in the xinit client being:

   ssh-agent ck-session-launch dbus-launch --exit-with-session 

As you can see, dbus is now included in the ck-session-launch.

Scott Barker       scott at mostlylinux.ca
Linux Consultant   http://www.mostlylinux.ca/scott

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