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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#331414: Bug#331414: #331414: xfce4-battery-plugin Consumes too much CPU time

> Could you please retry with the latest plugin uploaded to unstable
> (0.5.0-3) ? It includes patches not to wake the cpu to often, and to use
> sysfs if available.
> When debugging the panel plugin, I noticed that animated progress bar in
> some gtk themes engines (like murrine) hit the cpu pretty hard. Nothing
> too dramatic when the progressbar is only present during a short time
> (for a copy or something else), but in a panel plugin it's always there,
> so it may be responsible.
> Could you check that too?

looks like some improvements have been made, but there are still
problems (see attached screenshot).  you can see the that cpu hits
occur less frequently now (maybe every 3 seconds instead of every
second).  however, now every 5 cycles or so, the battery monitor ends
up using 20% of the cpu for 3 seconds.
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