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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#434863: Bug#434863: xfce4-terminal: Wrapper script seems broken

package xfce4-terminal
retitle 434863 xfce4-terminal: Doesn't provide a way to avoid forking at startup

Ok, I found the problem; while it is not a bug per se, it breaks other
programs, since it doesn't follow the expected behavior.

xfce4-terminal forks to a new window at startup: this causes the calling
program -- in my case Sylpheed, but I'm sure this is true for other mail
clients as well -- to think the editing session is finished, and to continue
its tasks.

So it should at least provide a command line switch (like gvim's -f option)
to avoid forking, and this switch should be active by default in the wrapper
script, since that script it's AFAIK supposed to provide an xterm-compatible
interface, and xterm doesn't fork at startup.

KiyuKo <eof AT kiyuko DOT org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.
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