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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#331414: Bug#331414: #331414: xfce4-battery-plugin Consumes too much CPU time

On sam, 2007-09-22 at 21:28 -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> i can confirm this bug in the latest version of the package.  it can
> be seen that xfce4-battery-plugin hits the cpu pretty hard every
> second or so (see attached screenshot xfce-battery-monitor-on.png).
> you can see that this does not happen when the plugin is not on the
> panel (see screenshot xfce-battery-monitor-off.png).

Could you please retry with the latest plugin uploaded to unstable
(0.5.0-3) ? It includes patches not to wake the cpu to often, and to use
sysfs if available.

When debugging the panel plugin, I noticed that animated progress bar in
some gtk themes engines (like murrine) hit the cpu pretty hard. Nothing
too dramatic when the progressbar is only present during a short time
(for a copy or something else), but in a panel plugin it's always there,
so it may be responsible.

Could you check that too?


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