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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Replace Depends on xfwm4-themes with Recommends

On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 01:29:48PM +0200, mmassonnet at gmail.com wrote:
> Currently the xfce4 package depends on xfwm4-themes.  I'm in the
> opinion that the extra themes should only be recommended.  The xfwm4
> package itself provides a dozen of themes which comes only with the
> version 4.4 of Xfce.  They look recent and decent :P  Of course the
> question of what is nice and ugly remains the definition of the art.

> The thing is that I find it cluttered to choose a theme inside the
> settings when there are tons of old themes mixed with new themes.

> I had like to know your opinion about that, so we could make a fine
> decision about moving the package to Recommends or not.

At the moment (for those not watching IRC closely) we have:

xfwm4 recommends xfwm4-themes
xfce4 depends xfwm4-themes.

The idea is that the themes don't need to be installed (neither does the
meta package) but that new users should get them installed

I think choice of themes is good and that expert users can choose to
uninstall the xfce4 package if they wish.

But I'm open to other interpretations.

Also if anyone does think it should be a recommends, does this mean that
the xfce task in d-i will no longer install them?

Simon  [ huggie at earth.li ] *\        If at first you don't succeed,  \**
****** ]-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-[ **\  destroy all evidence that you tried.  \*
****** [  Htag.pl 0.0.22 ] ***\                                        \
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