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[Pkg-xfce-devel] help get rid of the noise in the debian/ubuntu diffs

Simon Huggins wrote:
> 'ello Jani
> On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 10:20:23PM +0200, Jani Monoses wrote:
>>I'd like to ask you if it's not too much to bump the revision on some
>>of the packages so we get the same versions and use sid packages
>>instead of os-works ones everywhere. Since they started independently
>>there are changelog and other misc diffs but which only affect utnubu,
>>polluting the real changes with noise, and make it harder for us to
>>autosync from debian.
>>Another good reason for us is that I am trying to get xfce packages
>>into the main section of the ubuntu archives which means they get to
>>be officially supported. Having them coming directly from sid eases
>>the review process and makes them a lot more credible.
>>The package diffs can be seen on utnubu but I'll summarize here.
>>xfmedia - we have the os-works version 0.9.1 while sid is still at
>>0.9.1 seems to be in alioth svn already just not uploaded)
>>exo - cannot sync yet as our version is newer. Can a new snapshot get in
>>sid, along with thunar if possible ;) ?
> I defer to Yves on these really.  I need to look at this and at
> xfce4-terminal a little more.  There seem to be a few bugs in the BTS
> that need either reporting upstream or fixing etc.

Yes, xfmedia 0.9.1 is in svn and I'm using it currently. I think we
could upload it soon.

> I know Yves has some plan to get exo and thunar into unstable at some
> point in the not too distant future.

It's Yves-Alexis :) I'd like more people to test svn snapshots, to make
sure that exo svn doesnt break xfmedia and xfce4-terminal. (i'm using it

Yves-Alexis Perez
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