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[Pkg-xfce-devel] xfce4-i8k-plugin

Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Michael Steele <personal@michaelsteele.us> (12/10/2005):
>>I packaged xfce4-i8k-plugin from http://xfce-goodies.berlios.de/ for my
>>Dell Inspiron 8500.  I prefer this plugin to the current alternatives
>>available, and would like to see it included in Debian unstable.
> Hi!
> I don't have such a Dell product, but wanted to make sure your package
> was OK (I'm not a DD (yet?) but I made some packages). I installed it,
> and when adding this plugin, I got a segfault, and xfce4-panel crashes.
> I'll try to find out where it comes from, in order to add some checks.
>>The upstream maintainer says he knows of nobody working on a Debian
>>package.  I would be willing to be the package maintainer if anybody is
>>willing to sponsor me.
> A said above, I can't, but if you want me to test your modifications
> (concerning the segfault), you're welcome, just notify me by mail.
> If I found some info about this segfault, I'll tell you.
> Cheers,

Thank you for notifying me about this.  I was able to duplicate what you
reported by removing the i8k kernel module. The reason why you got the
segmentation fault is because the plugin tries to read from /proc/i8k
without testing if the file actually exists.  I've added checks to the
source that will put the plugin in 'disabled' mode if /proc/i8k does not

Also, I'm now keeping the package source at the Debian Mentors public
package repository.  go to http://mentors.debian.net/usage.php for
information on how to get the sources.  I'll continue putting package
binaries at

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