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[Git][xorg-team/vulkan/spirv-tools][upstream-unstable] 39 commits: Roll external/re2/ b673de358..ece4cecab (2 commits) (#5437)

Title: GitLab

Timo Aaltonen pushed to branch upstream-unstable at X Strike Force / vulkan / spirv-tools


  • 661f429b
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-10-11T19:14:22+00:00
    Roll external/re2/ b673de358..ece4cecab (2 commits) (#5437)
    $ git log b673de358..ece4cecab --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-10 junyer Enable parse headers features. Enforcing that headers are self-contained.
    2023-10-10 junyer Enable layering check features. Useful on Clang only.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 3985f0da
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-10-16T14:43:23+00:00
    Roll external/spirv-headers/ e867c0663..4183b260f (1 commit) (#5439)
    $ git log e867c0663..4183b260f --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-11 89833130+rjodinchr ClspvReflection non-sematic: add NormalizedSamplerMaskPushConstant (#377)
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/spirv-headers
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 5bb59509
    by Steven Perron at 2023-10-16T19:03:33+00:00
    Add ComputeDerivativeGroup*NV capabilities to trim capabilities pass. (#5430)
    * Add ComputeDerivativeGroup*NV capabilities to trim capabilities pass.
    * Add SPV_NV_compute_shader_derivatives to allow lists
    No tests needed for this. The code path is well tested. Just adding new
  • a9c61d13
    by Fumitoshi Ukai at 2023-10-18T18:49:51+02:00
    update_build_version.py produce deterministic header. (#5426)
    When building, .git directory may not exist in current
    directory (e.g. chromium build), so it will produce
    with current timestamp, which becomes non-deterministic build.
    Check if repo_path is in git repository and use git info.
    Also fix fallback logic when 'git describe' failed.
    'git rev-parse HEAD' result was not used because it didn't
    update success.
  • 5084f58e
    by dependabot[bot] at 2023-10-18T14:56:29-04:00
    build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 4 updates (#5445)
    Bumps the github-actions group with 4 updates: [actions/checkout](https://github.com/actions/checkout), [ossf/scorecard-action](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action), [actions/upload-artifact](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact) and [github/codeql-action](https://github.com/github/codeql-action).
    Updates `actions/checkout` from 3.1.0 to 4.1.1
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/actions/checkout/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/actions/checkout/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/actions/checkout/compare/v3.1.0...b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11)
    Updates `ossf/scorecard-action` from 2.1.2 to 2.3.0
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action/blob/main/RELEASE.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action/compare/e38b1902ae4f44df626f11ba0734b14fb91f8f86...483ef80eb98fb506c348f7d62e28055e49fe2398)
    Updates `actions/upload-artifact` from 3.1.0 to 3.1.3
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact/releases)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact/compare/3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8...a8a3f3ad30e3422c9c7b888a15615d19a852ae32)
    Updates `github/codeql-action` from 2.2.4 to 2.22.3
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/compare/17573ee1cc1b9d061760f3a006fc4aac4f944fd5...0116bc2df50751f9724a2e35ef1f24d22f90e4e1)
    - dependency-name: actions/checkout
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-major
      dependency-group: github-actions
    - dependency-name: ossf/scorecard-action
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: github-actions
    - dependency-name: actions/upload-artifact
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: github-actions
    - dependency-name: github/codeql-action
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-minor
      dependency-group: github-actions
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
    Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • 73876def
    by Cassandra Beckley at 2023-10-19T20:02:46+00:00
    opt: support 64-bit OpAccessChain index in FixStorageClass (#5446)
    The SPIR-V specification allows any scalar integer type as an index. DXC
    usually emits indexes as 32-bit integer types, however, in some cases it
    is possible to make it emit 64-bit indexes instead (as in
  • 1928c76c
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-10-20T06:07:08+00:00
    Roll external/googletest/ 2dd1c1319..829c19901 (1 commit) (#5444)
    * Roll external/googletest/ 2dd1c1319..116b7e552 (3 commits)
    $ git log 2dd1c1319..116b7e552 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-19 absl-team Improve error message for invalid parameterized test names.
    2023-10-17 absl-team s/::testing::/testing::/ in test documentation outside of using statements to align with best practice
    2023-10-17 dinor gtest-death-test-internal: Delete obsolete string constants
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/googletest
    * Roll external/re2/ ece4cecab..928a015e6 (1 commit)
    $ git log ece4cecab..928a015e6 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-18 junyer Improve comments about `absl::optional<T>` support.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    * Roll external/spirv-headers/ 4183b260f..88bc5e321 (1 commit)
    $ git log 4183b260f..88bc5e321 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-18 bertrand.wlodarczyk Headers support for new FPGAMemoryAttributesINTEL (#384)
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/spirv-headers
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 01e851be
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-10-21T07:55:37+00:00
    Roll external/re2/ 928a015e6..601d9ea3e (1 commit) (#5448)
    $ git log 928a015e6..601d9ea3e --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-20 junyer Set `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` for reproducible builds.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 33bac514
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-10-25T21:37:34+00:00
    Roll external/googletest/ 116b7e552..518387203 (1 commit) (#5450)
    $ git log 116b7e552..518387203 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-23 dinor StartsWith: Explicitly construct matcher-typed strings from matchee parameter
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/googletest
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 4f014aff
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-10-26T06:40:22+00:00
    Roll external/re2/ 601d9ea3e..a0b3bc60c (1 commit) (#5453)
    $ git log 601d9ea3e..a0b3bc60c --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-25 junyer Add support for Python 3.12.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • c87755bb
    by Spencer Fricke at 2023-11-01T10:48:40-04:00
    spirv-val: Add WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR check for Block (#5461)
  • a08f648c
    by Steven Perron at 2023-11-01T15:19:48-07:00
    Remove references to __FILE__ (#5462)
    * Remove references to __FILE__
    Uses of `__FILE__` leak the directory structure of the machine used to
    build because it adds a string to the string table with the full path
    name. I've removed the uses that show up in the release builds.
    Fixes #5416
  • 7210d247
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-11-02T14:02:47+00:00
    Roll external/googletest/ 518387203..5b7fd63d6 (1 commit) (#5454)
    * Roll external/googletest/ 518387203..b10fad38c (2 commits)
    $ git log 518387203..b10fad38c --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-10-26 absl-team Export gmock-spec-builders.
    2023-10-25 theorbuehler Add missing include for raise(3)
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/googletest
    * Roll external/re2/ a0b3bc60c..24d460a9d (6 commits)
    $ git log a0b3bc60c..24d460a9d --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-11-01 vovkos Don't check `kind_ == Prog::kManyMatch` in `DFA::InlinedSearchLoop()`.
    2023-11-01 junyer Replace a couple of `assert(3)` calls.
    2023-10-31 junyer Prepare to tag release `2023-11-01`.
    2023-10-27 junyer Bump some versions in `MODULE.bazel`.
    2023-10-27 junyer Simplify `ci-cmake.yml` via `matrix`.
    2023-10-27 junyer GitHub Actions now provides GCC 13.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • eacc969b
    by dependabot[bot] at 2023-11-02T10:05:53-04:00
    build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 2 updates (#5457)
    Bumps the github-actions group with 2 updates: [ossf/scorecard-action](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action) and [github/codeql-action](https://github.com/github/codeql-action).
    Updates `ossf/scorecard-action` from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action/blob/main/RELEASE.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/ossf/scorecard-action/compare/483ef80eb98fb506c348f7d62e28055e49fe2398...0864cf19026789058feabb7e87baa5f140aac736)
    Updates `github/codeql-action` from 2.22.3 to 2.22.5
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/compare/0116bc2df50751f9724a2e35ef1f24d22f90e4e1...74483a38d39275f33fcff5f35b679b5ca4a26a99)
    - dependency-name: ossf/scorecard-action
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: github-actions
    - dependency-name: github/codeql-action
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: github-actions
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
    Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • 9e7a1f2d
    by Steven Perron at 2023-11-02T13:29:57-04:00
    Fix array size calculation (#5463)
    The function that get the number of elements in a composite variable
    returns an incorrect values for the arrays. This is fixed, so that it
    returns the correct number of elements for arrays where the number of
    elements is represented as a 32-bit integer and is known at compile
    Fixes #4953
  • fbf047cc
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-11-09T20:35:08+00:00
    Roll external/re2/ 24d460a9d..974f44c8d (4 commits) (#5470)
    * Roll external/re2/ 24d460a9d..974f44c8d (4 commits)
    $ git log 24d460a9d..974f44c8d --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-11-07 junyer Bazel fails if the username is unknown.
    2023-11-07 junyer A non-root user can't futz with `/usr/local/bin`.
    2023-11-07 junyer Specify the UID, not the username.
    2023-11-07 junyer Don't run as root within the container.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    * Roll external/spirv-headers/ 88bc5e321..38f39dae5 (1 commit)
    $ git log 88bc5e321..38f39dae5 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-11-08 115671160+spencer-lunarg Fix SPV_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout implicit declare (#388)
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/spirv-headers
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 6b1e609e
    by Natalie Chouinard at 2023-11-10T15:43:11-08:00
    Support missing git in update_build_version.py (#5473)
    Return False instead of raising an exception when running git commands
    fail, which allows the script to fallback to alternative options.
    Fixes #5469
  • d88742fb
    by sethp at 2023-11-13T17:28:30+01:00
    fix(build): git describe all tagged versions (#5447)
    Previously, the version string would include `v2022.4-N-...` indicating N commits since the last annotated tag (`v2022.4`).
    This change broadens the search from just annotated tags to all tags that match `v*`, including the latest version `v2023.4.rc2`.
    See also: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/pull/5417#issuecomment-1764772856
  • c91e9d09
    by Nathan Gauër at 2023-11-14T09:29:31-05:00
    opt: add StorageImageReadWithoutFormat to cap trim (#5475)
    The StorageImageReadWithoutFormat capability is only required when
    an image type with the format set to Unknown is used with some specific
    OpImageRead or OpImageSparseRead instructions.
    This patch adds the required code to the capability trimming pass to
    remove the StorageImageReadWithoutFormat capability when not required.
    Signed-off-by: Nathan Gauër <brioche@google.com>
  • f43c464d
    by Nathan Gauër at 2023-11-14T12:49:04-05:00
    opt: add PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses to trim (#5476)
    The PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses capability can now be
    trimmed. From the spec, it seems any instruction enabled by this
    required some operand to have the PhysicalStorageBuffer storage class.
    This means checking the storage class is enough.
    Now, because the pass uses the grammar, we don't need to add any
    new logic.
    Signed-off-by: Nathan Gauër <brioche@google.com>
  • 8ee3ae52
    by Spencer Fricke at 2023-11-14T13:00:54-05:00
    Add comment to --inst-debug-printf option (#5466)
  • c8510a5e
    by ncesario-lunarg at 2023-11-15T10:36:36-05:00
    Fix python warning seen on Fedora 39 (#5474)
    Python 3.12 on Fedora 39 is producing a deprecation warning about
    for more details.
  • 560eea6d
    by dependabot[bot] at 2023-11-15T11:28:57-05:00
    build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 1 update (#5478)
    Bumps the github-actions group with 1 update: [github/codeql-action](https://github.com/github/codeql-action).
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/compare/74483a38d39275f33fcff5f35b679b5ca4a26a99...689fdc5193eeb735ecb2e52e819e3382876f93f4)
    - dependency-name: github/codeql-action
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: github-actions
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
    Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • fb91e6f0
    by Jesse Natalie at 2023-11-15T17:02:00+00:00
    Flush stdout before changing mode back to text (#5477)
  • 0df791f9
    by ChristianReinbold at 2023-11-16T19:36:32+00:00
    Fix nullptr argument in MarkInsertChain (#5465)
    Fixes an access violation issue that sporadically occured for me when DXC uses spirv-opt to legalize generated spirv code.
  • 246e6d4c
    by Sajjad Mirza at 2023-11-17T10:22:46-05:00
    spirv-val: Loosen restriction on base type of DebugTypePointer and DebugTypeQualifier (#5479)
    * Allow base type for DebugTypePointer and DebugTypeQualifier to be any DebugType
  • 2a238ed2
    by github-actions[bot] at 2023-11-18T05:06:35+00:00
    Roll external/spirv-headers/ 38f39dae5..cca08c63c (2 commits) (#5480)
    * Roll external/re2/ 974f44c8d..7e0c1a9e2 (1 commit)
    $ git log 974f44c8d..7e0c1a9e2 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-11-16 junyer WebAssembly support for threads is... fraught at every level.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    * Roll external/spirv-headers/ 38f39dae5..cca08c63c (2 commits)
    $ git log 38f39dae5..cca08c63c --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-11-15 viktoria.maksimova Change token IDs for global_variable_fpga_decorations and global_variable_host_access (#389)
    2023-11-15 johnkslang It seems d790ced752b5bfc06b6988baadef6eb2d16bdf96 add tabs. (#390)
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/spirv-headers
    Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions[bot] <>
  • 7d2a618b
    by dependabot[bot] at 2023-11-27T15:17:19-05:00
    build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 1 update (#5484)
    Bumps the github-actions group with 1 update: [github/codeql-action](https://github.com/github/codeql-action).
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/releases)
    - [Changelog](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/github/codeql-action/compare/689fdc5193eeb735ecb2e52e819e3382876f93f4...407ffafae6a767df3e0230c3df91b6443ae8df75)
    - dependency-name: github/codeql-action
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: github-actions
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
    Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • afaf8fda
    by Juan Ramos at 2023-11-28T10:53:56-05:00
    Fix iOS / Android CMake builds (#5482)
    * cmake: Simplify usage of option
    boolean OFF is the default value:
    * Fix iOS / Android CMake builds
    closes #4437
  • ffe64502
    by Juan Ramos at 2023-11-29T06:40:44-08:00
    Add iOS build to CI (#5490)
    * Add iOS build to CI
    closes #5488
    * ios: Make linker warnings into errors
  • f4a73dd7
    by David Neto at 2023-11-29T06:43:07-08:00
    std::system requires include of <cstdlib> (#5486)
  • 0d878455
    by David Neto at 2023-11-30T17:05:25-05:00
    Remove uses of std::system(nullptr) (#5494)
    Android's bionic library blows up on this, contrary to the standard.
    If std::system can't find a shell, you already have bigger problems.
    Don't check specially for that condition. (That's the justification
    Android uses, and I'm not going to fight it.)
  • 2da75e15
    by ncesario-lunarg at 2023-12-04T08:48:16-05:00
    Do not crash when tryingto fold unsupported spec constant (#5496)
    Remove assertion in FoldWithInstructionFolder; there are cases where
    folding spec constants is unsupported.
    Closes #5492.
  • e7a52b70
    by dependabot[bot] at 2023-12-04T10:18:57-05:00
    build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 1 update (#5498)
    Bumps the github-actions group with 1 update: [lukka/get-cmake](https://github.com/lukka/get-cmake).
    - [Release notes](https://github.com/lukka/get-cmake/releases)
    - [Commits](https://github.com/lukka/get-cmake/compare/8be6cca406b575906541e8e3b885d46f416bba39...4865386b66955d11be0abf8c112d0230023e742a)
    - dependency-name: lukka/get-cmake
      dependency-type: direct:production
      update-type: version-update:semver-patch
      dependency-group: github-actions
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
    Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • b5d60826
    by Jeremy Gebben at 2023-12-04T15:43:36-07:00
    printf: Remove stage specific info (#5495)
    Remove stage specific debug info that is only needed by GPU-AV.
    This allows debug printfs to be used in multi-stage shader modules.
    Fixes #4892
  • 6b4f0c9d
    by Jeremy Gebben at 2023-12-05T09:59:51-07:00
    instrument: Fix handling of gl_InvocationID (#5493)
    This is an int and needs to be cast to a unit for inclusion in the
    stage specific data passed to the instrumentation check function.
  • d75b3cfb
    by Ben Clayton at 2023-12-11T10:32:45-05:00
    Zero initialize local variables (#5501)
    Certain versions of GCC warn about these variables being potentially uninitialized when used.
    I believe this is a false-positive, but zero-init'ing them is a safe way to fix this.
  • e03c8f5c
    by alan-baker at 2023-12-11T11:45:10-05:00
    Fix broken build (#5505)
    Fixes #5503
    * SPIRV-Headers name change broke the build
      * Update SPIRV-Headers deps and fix
  • f0cc85ef
    by Nathan Gauër at 2023-12-20T13:22:56+01:00
    Prepare release v2023.6 (#5510)
    Signed-off-by: Nathan Gauër <brioche@google.com>

30 changed files:

The diff was not included because it is too large.

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