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Bug#1060172: xserver-xorg-core: Screen remains desperately black after starting Xorg on Thinkpad X201s

> Xorg refuses to work on my Thinkpad X201s nowadays, tho it used to work just
> fine a year or so ago.  Wayland still works fine.
> The observed behavior is that when GDM3 starts up (using Xorg because
> I have set `WaylandEnable=false` in its config file) at the end of the
> boot process, the screen becomes black and remains so.
> I can use the keyboard to suspend and resume the machine, but I'm flying blind.

I found a workaround.
If I create a file `/etc/X11/xorg.conf` with the following contents:

    % cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    # Workaround for Debian bug#1005359.
    Section "Device"
            Identifier "modesetting"
            Driver "modesetting"
            Option "UseGammaLUT" "false"

then the Xorg server comes up fine.

As the comment indicate, I took this workaround from bug#1005359, so
maybe the two bugs should be merged.

(I hadn't tried this earlier since I presumed that the hardware was
sufficiently different between my X201s and my Librem mini that the
bugs would also be different).


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