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[Git][xorg-team/vulkan/vulkan-tools][upstream-unstable] 17 commits: build: Update to header 1.3.237

Title: GitLab

Timo Aaltonen pushed to branch upstream-unstable at X Strike Force / vulkan / vulkan-tools


  • f846ef57
    by Mike Schuchardt at 2022-12-08T11:35:16-08:00
    build: Update to header 1.3.237
    - Update known-good
    - Generate source
  • ffa89a44
    by Richard S. Wright Jr at 2022-12-09T13:09:06-05:00
    Updated to latest known good MoltenVK
  • 665ae748
    by Mike Schuchardt at 2022-12-14T14:54:56-08:00
    vulkaninfo: Remove macOS application bundle
    macOS Ventura broke the "shell script as a executable" method for
    delivering vulkaninfo as an .app bundle. Rather than find another
    workaround, we decided to remove the bundle version from the SDK since
    it is redundant. The command-line vulkaninfo is unaffected and can still
    be launched from Finder.
  • dda9ae0f
    by Mike Schuchardt at 2022-12-14T14:54:56-08:00
    ci: Fix macOS github actions codegen verification
    Needs to point at install dir instead of repo dir since we might be
    using a cache and not full checkout of Vulkan-Headers.
  • 99cce136
    by Juan Ramos at 2022-12-27T13:30:48-07:00
    cmake: Use PkgConfig to find XCB
  • bc40543f
    by Juan Ramos at 2022-12-27T13:30:48-07:00
    cmake: Use PkgConfig to find X11
  • cd0f8517
    by Juan Ramos at 2022-12-27T16:20:32-07:00
    cmake: Use PkgConfig to find DirectFB
  • 7b798e3e
    by Mike Schuchardt at 2023-01-03T10:23:40-07:00
    build: Update to header 1.3.238
    - Update known-good
    - Generate source
  • 6ef427d3
    by Juan Ramos at 2023-01-10T14:09:04-07:00
    build: Update vulkan headers
    - Vulkan::Registry was removed
    - vk_sdk_platform.h is deprecated
    NOTE: Need to update loader due to shared dependency.
  • 67aa359c
    by Charles Giessen at 2023-01-14T23:07:56-07:00
    Update README.md to point to LICENSE.md
    Erroneously referred to COPYRIGHT.md
  • 80e16af0
    by Jeremy Gebben at 2023-01-16T11:32:08-07:00
    vkcube: Add more debug utils object names and cb labels
  • c757a2a8
    by Juan Ramos at 2023-01-16T17:18:54-07:00
    github: Use main instead of master
    closes #729
  • c37dcfba
    by Charles Giessen at 2023-01-18T15:31:35-07:00
    vkcube: Fix object type printing in 32 bit mode
    Previously the code assumed that all types were convertable to void*, since
    they happened to have the same size on 64 bit platforms. But in 32 bit, this
    is not true.
    Now the code converts dispatchable handles to uintptr_t then to void* only for
    dispatchable types, printing all other types as non-dispatchable 64 bit ints.
  • 3327bd3a
    by Charles Giessen at 2023-01-18T18:37:52-07:00
    cubepp: Make sure width & height are > 0
    This check was present in cube but wasn't added to cubepp.
    Because width and height are stored as uint32_t, we first need to read them
    in as int32_t and make sure they aren't negative.
  • 3d015f42
    by Charles Giessen at 2023-01-18T18:37:52-07:00
    cube: Check for width & height less are than zero
    The code would correctly reject widhth & height command line prameters
    that weren't greater than 0, but without a helpful error message about
    what was actually wrong.
  • 36464b5c
    by Mike Schuchardt at 2023-01-20T09:43:53-07:00
    build: Update to header 1.3.239
    - Update known-good
    - Generate source
  • 84c61c46
    by Charles Giessen at 2023-01-25T16:34:27-07:00
    vulkaninfo: Fix rc file copyright and other mistakes
    The copyright went out of date in 2022 but was never updated. As a precaution
    for the future, the copyright will now be the current year the file was created
    in, rather than being hardcoded.

30 changed files:

The diff was not included because it is too large.

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