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As this is still open and breaking many computers: Here is one more hand to confirm.

Would you mind explaining what an 's.d.o downgrade' entails? I used the snapshot archive and pinned the offender, then used aptitude and skipped through solutions until I found an acceptable one. (apt wants to kill all of X!). That is a pretty convoluted and unreliable process. 'dontbreakdebian' also says to never mess around like that.
There is no official SOP as far as I'm aware.

The process on Fedora given here https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/8007 seems a lot more straightforward.

I understand this is 'testing' - but Debian testing > Arch regular and many people even consider sid to be usable everyday (see 'siduction').

Can we please revert this package instantly while we wait for an upstream fix? Testing is so darn stable usually, many 'normal' people use it in prod. This is a very severe bug in my book, right next to that kernel one a few months ago killing screens. Unless you're rather deep into Debian, you're never going to find the workaround, and likely just move on.

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