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Bug#758094: libgl1-mesa-glx:x32: SIGSEGV in OpenGL applications on x32

Hi Sven,

>That has apparently helped, but I have just re-enabled asm in git[1],
>since the bug is supposed to be fixed since Mesa 17.0.0.
>@Thorsten: would be great if you could test that this actually works.

sure, thanks for informing me. Upgrading was a bit of a hassle due to
Multi-Arch but I’ve managed to persuade apt and dpkg ☻

It built fine (log attached) and works in xrdp (I’m currently at home
and could test only remotely).

In xrdp+xorgxrdp, glxgears’ performance shrinks from ~280 fps with
mesa 18.3.6-2 to ~275 fps with git master. That’s less than 2% and
probably partially due to the major version bump so I’d not count
it as a loss.

I can test this on the native nouveau hardware on Monday.


PS: Do check the build log, especially lintian at the end… ☻☺
<cnuke> den AGP stecker anfeilen, damit er in den slot aufm 440BX board passt…
oder netzteile, an die man auch den monitor angeschlossen hat und die dann für
ein elektrisch aufgeladenes gehäuse gesorgt haben […] für lacher gut auf jeder
LAN party │ <nvb> damals, als der pizzateig noch auf dem monior "gegangen" ist

Attachment: mesa_19.2.0-2_x32.build.xz
Description: Binary data

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